Do you know what methods of pain relief you can accept or be offered in labour? It’s always worth looking over the pros and the cons of each method and making a choice that way. Do the pros outweigh the cons? Did you realise that there was a con to that method?
Here are some of the main pain relief options you have when you are in labour
I say birth pool but water in general, so birth pool, bath or even shower
You can get in and out whenever you want
Less need for other pain relief methods
Known to shorter labour time
Can make you feel more comfortable and relaxed
Birth pools can take a while to fill up so if your labour is quick you may not get time to use it
Not all hospitals have one available
Occasionally contractions can slow
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation - TENS machines work by stimulating the body to produce more of its own natural painkillers, endorphins. It also reduces the number of pain signals sent to the brain.
You can control it
No affect on the baby
Can be used with other pain relief methods
Can be used straight away in any birth setting
Can't be used with water
Some people don't like the sensation
For it to have full affect it needs to be used as soon as possible
Also known as Entonox, this is a mix of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas that you inhale
It works quickly
Can be used and stopped at any time
You are in control
Doesn't affect the baby
Can be used with other forms of pain relief
Can be used in any birth setting
It doesn't get rid of all the pain, it just takes the edge off (this could be a PRO for some)
Can make you feel lightheaded or nauseous
It might make your mouth dry so keep hydrated
This is an injection of a medicine called pethidine or Diamorphine, into your thigh or bum
They can help you relax
It may give you time to sleep
It can help you manage your surges better
It may affect your baby's breathing
It can make you and your baby feel drowsy
Can make you feel sick
You can't use a birthing pool or bath for around 2 hours incase you fall asleep
It can take a while to take effect
It takes 2-4 hours to wear off
This is an injection of local anaesthetic in your back
Will give you complete pain relief
Depending on if its a 'Mobile' epidural, you wont be able to move as much
Can cause low blood pressure, Loss of bladder control, headaches and itchy skin
It can only be given in a hospital
Increased chance of needing an assisted delivery
1 in 1000 can experience temporary nerve damage
Does knowing both sides change how you feel about where you want to give birth or what pain relief you are willing to accept?
Hope this helped!